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Yet another computer show at the Convention Center. It's the big end-of-the-year sale, and there was no admissions charge, so the crowds were absolutely ridiculous. Knew that going in, but I needed a USB hub and I didn't have anything better to do. Didn't even try to fight the crowd for the freebies this time, though.
Frankly the skimpily-dressed models are getting to be old-hat at this point, but I bring the camera along anyway.
Models for some random MMORPG. At least they tried to dress the part instead of just going for skin.
They were doing a drawing for prizes. Left before that mob scene got crazy.
Dang. The dude brought his own footstool so he could get a better view.
I don't know why these girls were trying to sell digital cameras. Seemed like everyone in the crowd already had one. In fact, I've never seen so many high-end DSLR rigs in one place than at one of these shows.
Yeah, the one on the left is cute, but you have to wonder about a spokesmodel who doesn't get to speak.
Posted by mikewang on December 5, 2004 09:17 PM